Goals & Certification


Pradarshana/Exams – Students who are looking to achieve certification and perhaps go on to use dance for research or other avenues of art can complete examinations and a Pradharshana once they have completed at least 1 of each Anga (Mallari/Pushpanjali, Kouthuvam, Alarippu, Jathiswaram, Shabdam, Kirtanam, Varnam, Padam/Javali).

Arangetram/Thesis – Students who want to take the next step after their Pradharshana and learn more items (Another set of each Anga), history, choreography etc can work towards their Arangetram.

Salangai Pooja – Students who want to take the first step after their intial learnings can complete Salangai Pooja where students should have completed learning half of 1 margam(Pushpanjali/Mallari/Kauvuthuvam, Alarippu, Jathiswaram, Shabdam, Padam andKirthanam) plus the basic theory.

International Dance Certification – CID

Examinations in an art form like Bharathanatyam, serve a slightly different purpose as opposed tostandardized tests. An examiner will definitely assess the student’s knowledge and test the ability to apply the knowledge practically. Completion of theory exam is needed to achieve the intermediate level completion. The international dance council, which is in short called CID, is an official partner of UNESCO, and is an umbrella organization for all forms of dance in the world and validates teaching internationally by offering the International Dance Certification of Dance Studies. So far, we have more than 12 students who are qualified and certified in dance internationally.

Coaching for AIR and University Exams may also be provided upon request.

Performing with Manohar – Students who have the enthusiasm and aptitude for performing and are not motivated to take exams can complete their Salangai Pooja (which would be a solo or group performance when students have learned at least 1 of each anga before Varnam: Mallari/Pushpanjali, Kouthuvam, Alarippu, Jathiswaram, Shabdam, Kirtanam) and work towards performing with Manohar. Preparations for the Salangai Pooja is in the hands of the student or parents, with assistance from teachers. The audience does not have to be large, but the student needs to show some level of competence in front of a live audience.